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Technical documentation

Server to server integration

This chapter provides technical information about the integration with IBAN Management Service using REST API integration model.


How to generate CSR file

To generate CSR file follow below instruction. The file must be sent to Verestro - we will sign it and return a valid certificate in a response.

An example completed certificate fields

Common Name (CN) - V-Companyname-ApplicationName
Organization (O) - Company name
Organizational Unit (OU) - free text
City/Locality (L) - free text
State/County/Region (S) - free text
Country (C) - Two-letter country code where organization is located.
Email Address - Email in case of forced renewal of the change

Example CSR generation command: openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout client.key -out client.csr -nodes -subj '/CN=V-SomeCompany-OurApplication /O=SomeCompany /OU=Business /L=Lublin /S=Lubelskie /C=PL /Email'

Mobile to server integration

This chapter provides technical information about the integration with IBAN Management Service using Mobile SDK integration model. 


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